Add Ultimate Coverage with the Mesh

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Add Ultimate Coverage with the Mesh

On March 11, 2022, Posted by , In Customer Service, By ,,, , With Comments Off on Add Ultimate Coverage with the Mesh

Directcom Mesh pairs with your Blast Wifi Router to provide ultimate WiFi coverage in those hard-to-reach areas of your home.

Add Mesh to your account for only $10 per month.

Are you having trouble connecting to Wi-Fi in the remote corners of your home? Does your device suddenly disconnect from the network for no apparent reason?

If so, it may be time to consider our newest add-on to your home Wi-Fi setup– one that’s designed to address the most common problems people experience in their home Wi-Fi networks. Meet our latest product solution– Directcom Mesh Wi-Fi.

What is Mesh Wi-Fi?
Like your current Blast Wi-Fi network, Mesh Wi-Fi uses a router to transmit your fiber Internet signal via the latest Wi-Fi 6 standard to all your smart devices. What’s different is that it combines the main Blast router with a series of small wireless devices-called satellites or mesh units – which you place in different rooms in your home. Add as many mesh units as you need to reach everywhere. These satellites communicate with the Blast router and provide you with a strong Wi-Fi signal everywhere, whether it’s your bedroom, your home office, or even your backyard.

It’s So Easy to Set Up Your Mesh with our Command IQ app right from your mobile phone.

Call us now at 801 789 2800 or chat on our website to add Mesh to your account today.

Directcom Mesh must be paired with a Directcom Blast router.

Get better Wifi Internet in Eagle Mountain with your local fiber Internet provider, Direct Communications.

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