Important message regarding the Online Payment System
Please note: Our web payment system has a new appearance, so don’t be alarmed if it looks slightly different next time you log in from our website. Only the appearance of the system has changed. Your login credentials, payment methods, and automated payments will remain the same. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 801 789 2800.
The system will be accesed the same way: from our homepage you will click on “Manage Account” and then select “Pay Bill Online,” which will take you to the billing interface page, https://www.directcom.com/eaglemtn/directcedarWelcome.htm. When you click the “continue” button on that page, you will notice our payment system has a new appearance. Your login credentials, payment methods, and automated payments are unchanged. One navigation change is that in order to log out of the billing system, you will need to now choose “security” than “log out.”
This is the first step towards a few additional actual feature enhancements which should be coming before the end of the year. The most exciting coming upgrade will be REAL TIME PAYMENTS AND ACCOUNT BALANCES.