Yes. Customers who speak Spanish can be helped in Spanish. Meet Roxana, our newest Customer Support Team Member.

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Yes. Customers who speak Spanish can be helped in Spanish. Meet Roxana, our newest Customer Support Team Member.

On September 20, 2024, Posted by , In Community Involvement,Customer Service, With Comments Off on Yes. Customers who speak Spanish can be helped in Spanish. Meet Roxana, our newest Customer Support Team Member.

(se habla espanol)

Good News: Spanish-speaking Customer Service Now Available in Eagle Mountain!

¡Buenas Noticias: Servicio al Cliente en Español Ahora Disponible en Eagle Mountain!

En Directcom, estamos comprometidos a asegurarnos de que cada residente de Eagle Mountain reciba el mejor servicio posible. Sabemos lo importante que es sentirse escuchado y comprendido cuando se solicita ayuda, por eso estamos encantados de anunciar la incorporación de un nuevo representante de servicio al cliente que habla español a nuestro equipo.

Cómo Acceder al Soporte en Español

Si tú o alguien que conoces prefiere comunicarse en español, obtener asistencia es ahora más fácil que nunca. Cuando llames a nuestra línea principal de servicio al cliente, al 801-789-2800, simplemente selecciona la opción 2 para conectarte con nuestros representantes de habla hispana. Ya sea que estés configurando tu internet de fibra, resolviendo un problema técnico o simplemente tengas una pregunta, estamos aquí para ayudarte—¡en español!

Eagle Mountain es una comunidad creciente y diversa, y queremos asegurarnos de que todos nuestros clientes se sientan cómodos al contactarnos.

Así que, si prefieres recibir soporte en español, llámanos hoy mismo y presiona la opción 2. ¡Esperamos poder servirte!

At Directcom, we are committed to making sure that every resident of Eagle Mountain receives the best possible service. We know how important it is to feel heard and understood when reaching out for support, which is why we are thrilled to announce the addition of a new Spanish-speaking customer service representative to our team!

How to Access Spanish-Speaking Support

If you or someone you know prefers to communicate in Spanish, getting assistance is now easier than ever. When you call our main customer service line, at 8017892800, simply select option 2 to be connected with our Spanish-speaking representatives. Whether you’re setting up your fiber internet, troubleshooting a technical issue, or just have a question, we’re here to help—en español!

Eagle Mountain is a growing and diverse community, and we want to ensure that all of our customers feel comfortable reaching out to us.

So, if you prefer to receive support in Spanish, give us a call today and press option 2. We look forward to serving you! Direct Communications is the fastest most reliable Internet in Eagle Mountain.

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