911 Outage Notification
Attention landline phone subscribers. We have received notification that a 911 circuit route in Utah county that we use to route 911 traffic to the county has been disrupted due to a fiber cut in Lehi.
This is outside of Eagle Mountain and unfortunately, we have no control over the repair schedule to that county circuit. Until that circuit cut is repaired, 911 will not work from your home/landline phone.
In case of an emergency, please use your cell phone to call 911 until that repair has been made.
Please note that this situation is affecting Directcom landline phone subscribers. Check with your mobile phone carrier for questions regarding the 911 status of your cell phone.
For more information, or updates, call us at 801 789 2800.
Update: 911 traffic was restored Feb 23 at 4:00 P.M.