Directcom to Finish Eagle Mountain Fiber to the Home Upgrades in 2018
The multi-year fiber-to-the-home upgrade construction project in Eagle Mountain will be completed in 2018. Over the past 3 years, Directcom has installed new fiber to about 4600 homes in Eagle Mountain. This means that over 8000 homes in Eagle Mountain now have access to fiber-to-the-home service. Our fiber upgrade project will…
When will Silverlake customers be cut over to Fiber?
The main fiber construction work in Silverlake is complete, and most of the distribution fiber and fiber drops to the home have already been spliced. We are currently scheduling appointments for techs start cutting over customers to fiber on an individual basis in April 2016. By cut over, we mean the process of…
Network Map of Fiber and Copper Neighborhoods in Eagle Mountain
If you are thinking of moving to Eagle Mountain, and want the absolutely fastest possible internet speeds, (up to 2 Gig per second speeds are now available on fiber) check before you move to make sure the home is already connected with Fiber to the Home by Direct Communications. Click…